Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Ashe Elton Parker's Online Move

Well, the wall I was afraid of hitting came up. My funds ran low and what money I got from the government stimulus fund had to go to other things, which means that "frivolous" things like my website had to be abandoned. If you've found me here, Yay. I'm glad you're here. Welcome to my resurrected Pen and Keyboard blog on Blogger, where I originally started blogging way back in the mid-aughts. 

Right now, with job hunts and stuff going on, I'm not going to promise a regular update schedule. I'll update when I can. What I'd suggest if you'd like to keep up with my posts but not have to constantly visit the site is to sign up in the Follow by Email box. 

I have all my old posts from my AEP website saved. Not sure what I'll do with them, however. Honestly, I'm inclined to just let them molder. It's all old stuff, and doesn't really apply to my life as it is nowadays, and I'm not sure I'm up for sifting through the old stuff to excavate the writing-related posts.

So there you have it.


  1. Yeah, life is attacking from all side right now. Good luck to you and your family!


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